Approved Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes on 10th May 2022

Present:                          Cllr Dover                    SD              Chairman

                                             Cllr Harrison             SH                                                                                                                                                                      

                                           Cllr Lusby                    JL

                                             Cllr Facer                     JF

                                             Cllr Morris                  JM

                                             Cllr Hatton                  PH

                                             Cllr Robin Smith      RS

                                             Cllr D Rigsby              DR                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mrs C Owen - Clerk


Meeting commenced at 6.55pm


There were 2 members of the public present.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Statutory procedures:


00597      Chairman of the Council – The Clerk called for nominations, each to be proposed & seconded; Cllr Dover explained that due to both the Clerk and Chairman potentially being new individuals, that she would remain, if nominated, for a maximum of 6 months until a new clerk had been trained. JL proposed LD for position of Chairman, seconded by SH. There were no other nominations. LD accepted the nomination for a period of 6 months and proposed that a new chairman should be considered over the next few months; it was resolved that LD be appointed Chairman; LD signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the meeting.


00598   Apologies for absence –Apologies received from Cllr Hopkinson and Cllr Clark.


00599   Declarations of Interest – there were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.


00600   Vice Chairman of the Council – Madam Chairman called for nominations for Vice Chairman, each to be proposed and seconded; JL proposed SH, seconded by JF; SH accepted the nomination; it was resolved that SH be appointed Vice Chairman; SH signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the meeting.


00601   Disclosable Pecuniary Interests –There were no changes to the current information held for all Councillors so the current forms remain live.


00602   Personnel Committee with Responsibility for the Clerk –It was discussed. It was resolved that Cllrs Lusby, Cllr Harrison, Cllr Rigsby and Cllr Hatton be the new members of the Personnel Committee were at the meeting, p JF, s JL.


00603   Saltfleetby Parish Council Meetings – After discussion it was agreed to continue the meetings to be held on the first Tuesday of each month starting at 7pm at the Marshlands Community Centre.                                                                                 


The meeting closed at 7.12pm.  Parish Council Meeting to follow.




Chairman         …………………………..............                        Date     ………………………..




Clerk                   ……………………………………                       Date     ………………………..