Approved Minutes of Saltfleetby Parish Council Meeting held on 4th October 2022
Minutes of the Saltfleetby Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4th October 2022 at
Marshlands Community Centre
Present: Cllr Dover LD Chairman
Cllr Facer JF
Cllr Morris JM
Cllr Rigsby DR
Cllr Hatton PH
Cllr Lusby JL
Cllr Harrison SH
Mrs C Owen Clerk/RFO
Mrs C Hillman Clerk
Meeting commenced at 7.00pm
Madam Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were 8 members of the public present.
It was raised that the public footpath signs are barely visible and one appears to go through a garden. This is correct. There is a definitive footpath map which will be placed in the newsletter and on the website. It was explained that signage is national standard and that the County Council budget for footpaths has been cut has been cut so there is limited maintenance. Councillor Harrison will check with the County Council that the signage is correct. (Added Footpath 56 - B1200 to Willow Row; Footpath 55 - stile)
It was raised that there is considerable noise disturbance from drilling at the North End Lane end of the village. Information has been received that Angus Energy are currently drilling and should and the noise should reduce when they move to the next stage, however it appears that the company are not consulting regularly as it is not officially in Saltfleeetby. Action to contact Angus Energy for an update.
Statutory proceedings commenced at 7.26pm
01834 Apologies for absence – apologies from Cllr Rickett, Cllr Clark and Cllr Smith.
01835 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th September 2022 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p PM, s SH. The minutes were duly signed by Councillor Lusby who chaired the meeting.
01836 Minutes of the Confidential Parish Council Meeting held on 6th September 2022 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p PH, s SM. The minutes were duly signed by Councillor Lusby.
01837 Declarations of Interest – No declarations were noted.
01838 District/County Councillors Report – Cllr Rickett has sent his apologies. Cllr McNally provided the following update:
Road Closure Notice 1030 in place
The Recycling centre is trialling donating better quality items to charity. Chosen charity at the moment is the Air Ambulance.
Avian flu is on the increase
LCC have introduced a page on Cost of Living – with information on where to claim e.g. carer support
Action: JF to replicate onto newsletter and Facebook. Link on website to the LCC page.
Council lottery scheme where local causes can register. All online, and akin to a local version of the national lottery.
Trading Standards – rise in illegal tobacco and counterfeit products, all having a link to organised crime.
Madam Chair raised the missing purple bins with Cllr Rickett prior to this meeting – as Saltfleet have them but not Saltfleetby. Cllr McNally explained that they have been delayed by 3 weeks due to technical issue due to contractors.
01839 Councillor Vacancies – There were no expressions of interest communicated to the Clerk.
01840 Gayton Wind Farm Community Fund Applications – there were no applications on this occasion as the only application received exceeded £250.
01841 Planning Application – Application reference N/145/01639/22 - RINGWOOD, MAIN ROAD, SALTFLEETBY, LOUTH, LN11 7TP - Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. It was resolved that the Council would support this application, p DR, s JL. There were no objections.
01842 Planning Application - Application reference N/145/01437/22 - TUMBLYDOWN COTTAGE, NORTH END LANE, SALTFLEETBY, LOUTH, LN11 7SP - Planning Permission - Erection of a timber garage and store, greenhouse, access gates and boundary fencing and alterations to existing driveway within the curtilage of a listed building– Council to discuss. It was resolved that the Council would support this application, p JL, s DR. There were no objections.
01843 Financial Matters –
- Accounts to be paid/authorised:
- Clerk’s salary and expenses for September 2022 including HMRC payment for month 7 of 2022/2023; expenses for McAfee £11.99; ICO Data Protection Fee £40.00. It was resolved to approve the above payment, p JF, s DR
- Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2565 dated 14th September 2022 for £40.00 (Excl VAT)
- Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2566 dated 28th September 2022 for £40.00 (Excl VAT)
- Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2619 dated 12th October 2022 for £40.00 (Excl. VAT)
- Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2620 dated 26th October 2022 for £40.00 (Excl. VAT)
It was resolved to approve and pre authorise the above payments (b – e), p DR, s PH. There were no objections.
- Monthly Councillors Report as at 30th September 2022. It was resolved to approve, p JF, s DR. There were no objections.
- Bank Reconciliation and Receipts and Payments 30th September 2022. It was resolved to approve, p PH, s JL. There were no objections.
01844 Gayton Wind Farm Financial Matters –
- Accounts to be paid/authorised:
- Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2565 dated 14th September 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
- Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2566 dated 28th September 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
- Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2619 dated 12th October 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
- Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2620 dated 26th October 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
It was resolved to approve the above, p DR, s PH.
- J Facer invoice dated 31st August 2022 for £100 for editing and delivery of the Saltfleetby Village Newsletter September 2022 edition.
It was resolved to approve the above, p DR, s PH.
- Louth Trophy Centre invoice 60 dated 11th August 2022 for £55 for the purchase of a brass plate engraved for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon.
It was resolved to approve the above, p PH, s JF.
- Bank Reconciliation and Receipts and Payments to 30th September 2022. Nothing to approve.
- – The Clerk explained that we currently pay for an internal audit, by being within the SAAA it means we are not required to pay for an external audit as this is a free of charge service provided by SAAA. Propose to stay with current process.
It was resolved to approve the current process p SH s DR. No objections.
01846 Reports from Outside Bodies –None.
- – No correspondence received.
- –
- BT Boxes – no progress
- BT Box – map of village – Village map won’t reduce down to A3 and A2 is too large for phonebox. Suggestion to place map in the new notice board and online copy.
- Garden Boxes/Tyre Planters – to be added to the November agenda for further discussion around the tyres/planters, inc approval for location; type; benefit (attractive visual to slow traffic) . p JL, s PH. There were no objections.
- Speed gun equipment – 3 positions checked, indemnity signed, and also 4 more signs provided. PH awaiting spreadsheet for completion. Action Clerk to email course attendees for permission for PH to email as a group. Clicker is in the box. Cllr Clark to email details of suitable box unless JL can provide.
- Defibrillator location – new cabinet in place and Cllr Lusby has contact and access details.
- Wind Farm Scoring Sheet – still ongoing. Moved action to Cllr Hatton
- Snooker Club – update on identifying Trustees – Cllr Dover to consult with Cllr Lusby
- Noticeboards – quotes received. Discussion around best material. Digital board discounted due to lack of power supply and technology requirement. New one to be located at Marshlands. Action colours and details to be decided at next meeting.
- Response to resident letter – response sent.
- Lych gate – will need treatment but not until the new year. To be placed on the February agenda.
- St Clements path – only 1 quote received. Still ongoing.
- Defibrillator/CPR training dates – training has taken place at Marshlands, St Peters, Fashion Shows and Bingo – all well received.
- Website update – Cllr Dover to rewrite village description. Cllr Hatton to update Council Facebook details.
- New Councillor Training – all booked.
- BT Box – Signage – Original font best all agreed as the ‘olde english’ was too small
- BT Box – All Saints – Mr Chapman will put it into position when time is available.
- –
- Cllr Harrison has received the Railing Planter trough. Cllr Lusby will house until required. To be discussed at next meeting.
- Wreath for Remembrance to be discussed at next meeting.
- Signatories/bank account
- Communications to the general public
- Garden boxes/Tyres
- Footbridge opposite the Angel
- Railing trough
- Wreath donation
- Financial help for small groups
- Noticeboards
- Lych Gate
- St Clements pathway
The meeting closed at 8.51pm.
Next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 1st November 2022 at 7.00pm
Chairman ………………………….............. Date ………………………..
Clerk …………………………………… Date ………………………..