Approved Minutes for 7th June 2022

Saltfleetby Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th June 2022 at

Marshlands Community Centre


Present:                            Cllr Dover                    LD                    Madam Chairman

                                             Cllr Lusby                      JL

                                             Cllr Rigsby                    DR

                                             Cllr Hatton                    PH

                                             Cllr Facer                       JF

                                             Cllr Clark                       SC                    



Meeting commenced at 7.00pm


There were 3 members of the public present.

There was a thank you to Cllr Dover from the SCA for helping out at the Saturday Jubilee Event.

Thanks were requested to be noted for Cllr Clark, Cllr Lusby and David Hulme for the time spent ensuring that the village had a beacon to light. A comment was made about the lack of councillors present.

It was mentioned that the beacon looked lovely.

Thanks also for Cllr Facer who distributed the Platinum Jubilee Mugs to all residents in the village. These were purchased using Gayton Wind Farm monies.


Statutory proceedings commenced at 7.09pm


01748    Apologies for absence – apologies from Cllr Hopkinson, Cllr Harrison, Cllr Morris, Cllr Smith and Cllr Rickett. Cllr McNally will be attending later.


01749    Minutes of the Gayton Wind Farm Panel Meeting held on 15th March 2022 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p DR, s PH.


01750    Minutes of the Confidential Gayton Wind Farm Panel Meeting held on 15th March 2022 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p JL, s DR.


01751    Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 10th May 2022 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p DR,s JF.


01752    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th May 2022 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p DR, s JF. The minutes were duly signed by Madam Chairman.


01753   Declarations of Interest – Cllr Facer for item 13a. Cllr Clark for item 9.


01754    Councillor Vacancies – There were no expressions of interest communicated to the Clerk.


01755    Gayton Wind Farm Community Fund Applications – there are 2 applications from the Saltfleetby Community Association;

  1. Jubilee Charity Bingo £250 (£50 refreshments; £200 prizes)
  2. Hire of Falconry Display for Jubilee Celebrations £200

It was resolved to discuss these in closed session at the end of the meeting, p DR, s JF.




01756    Planning Application – Application reference N/145/00881/22 - SALTFLEETBY HOUSE, MAIN ROAD, SALTFLEETBY, LOUTH, LN11 7SN - Listed building Consent - Internal and external alterations to the existing dwelling – Council discussed and it was resolved to support the application, p SH, s JL. There were no objections.


01757    Planning Application - Application reference N/145/00288/22 – LAKESIDE CAMPING AND FISHERIES, MAIN ROAD, SALTFLEETBY, LOUTH, LN11 7SS - Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 4 no. static caravans on the site of 3 no. touring caravan pitches for 12 months occupation – Council discussed the amendment of Flood Risk Report – there were no additional comments regarding this application, p JL, s DR.


01758    Financial Matters

  1. Accounts to be paid/authorised:
    1. Clerk’s salary and expenses for May 2022 including HMRC payment for month 3 of 2022/2023.
  2. Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2285 dated 11th May 2022 for £40.00 (Excl VAT)
  3. Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2286 dated 25th May 2022 for £40.00 (Excl VAT)
  4. Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2287 dated 8th June 2022 for £40.00 (Excl VAT)
  5. Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2364 dated 21st June 2022 for £40.00 (Excl. VAT)
  6. Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2365 dated 5th July 2022 for £40.00 (Excl. VAT)

It was resolved to approve and pre authorise the above payments (a – f), p JF, s PH. There were no objections.

  1. RYAL Media Group Ltd (Today’s Recruitment) Invoice 5141 dated 25th May 2022 for £98.20 (Excl. VAT) for advert for Clerk and RFO post. It was resolved to approve, p DR, s JF. There were no objections.
  2. Monthly Councillors Report as at 31st May 2022. It was resolved to approve, p JL, s DR. There were no objections.
  3. Bank Reconciliation and Receipts and Payments 31st May 2022. It was resolved to approve, p DR, s PH. There were no objections.


01759    Gayton Wind Farm Financial Matters –  

  1. Accounts to be paid/authorised:
  • Clerk’s expenses for purchase of plastic bags for mugs for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations £8.80.
  • J Facer invoice dated 29th May 2022 for £100.00 for the editing and delivery of Saltfleetby Village Newsletter (June 2022 edition)

It was resolved to approve the above, p DR, s SC.

  • Cheques issued for Wolds Gardening INV-2186 dated 12th April 2022 for £132.00 (incl VAT) cheque 000168; INV-2223 dated 26th April 2022 for £132.00 (incl VAT) cheque 000169
  • Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2285 dated 11th May 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
  • Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2286 dated 25th May 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
  • Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2287 dated 8th June 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
  • Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2364 dated 21st June 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)
  • Pre-authorisation for Wolds Gardening Invoice INV-2365 dated 5th July 2022 for £84.00 (Incl VAT)

It was resolved to approve the above, p JL, s DR.

  1. Bank Reconciliation and Receipts and Payments to 31st May 2022. It was resolved to approve, p DR, s JM. It was resolved to approve, p DR, s SC.


01760    Asset Register –It was resolved to approve the asset registers dated 31/3/2022, p PH, s DR and 31/5/2022, p JL, s SC.


  1. – Council discussed requiring at least two more signatories for both Parish Council accounts. Cllrs Hatton and Rigsby will be the new signatories. 
  2. – It was discussed that there are ground nesting birds in situ and that cutting of the verges should be left. There was a discussion whether the Council should request a contractor to cut the verges and the potential environmental impact . It was resolved to leave this item for the next meeting when other Councillors may be able to make comments, p JL, s DR. There was 1 abstention to the vote.  


  1. – Council discussed that providing childcare so residents can attend meetings would not be possible due to many regulations involved e.g. Safeguarding, Health and Safety etc.


  1. – The Clerk explained that this had not been updated as there were no major changes apart from the defib section. Council discussed the action plan and this will be updated for the next meeting.


Cllr McNally arrived at 7.40pm


  1. – It was reported that there had been reports of scammers pretending to be representatives from LCC Highways. Highways staff would not approach residents at their properties.


It was reported that there is an ELDC grant of up to £1,000 for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was discussed that this could be looked at but may not be available retrospectively.


It was commented that Ludford village have had all of their paths and roads resurfaced. Cllr McNally reported that this was due to the number of accidents and Government funding.


01766 Reports from Outside Bodies –None.


  1. –It was reported that the resident has withdrawn the email/letter. There was a discussion around the B1200 Main Road and the vibrations. It was stated that the village is built on clay soil so in the summer when the soil dries, vibrations will be more noticeable than in the winter months when the clay is sodden.


It was requested that an agenda item of ‘Speeding’ be added to the next agenda.


    1. Beacon update – a beacon has been built at Marshlands Community Centre and this item is now closed. It was discussed about creating a plaque for the beacon. This is to be added to the next agenda
    2. BT Boxes – To be located at Marshlands and Church Lane. Need to put in concrete base first. This will be completed before the next meeting. A solar panel light was discussed.
    3. Clerk/RFO post – no progress on this item at present. Candidates have not yet been contacted. Cllr Rigsby to send holding emails to the candidates
    4. Garden Boxes/Tyre Planters – The Clerk was requested to contact the contractor for an update on the quote to plant the tyre planters
    5. Wind Farm Scoring Sheet – No further updates on this
    6. Snooker Club – Cllr Hopkinson is not present to provide an update so this will be transferred to the next agenda
    7. CCTV at Marshlands – Cllr Clark confirmed that this will be turned off when Parish Council meetings are being held
    8. Discussion of residents letter – letter now been withdrawn


  • Speed Gun Training – Clerk will be writing to all of the volunteers listed. This will be a paper letter as there are no other contact details apart from a list of names
  • Dredging of the dykes – not heard anything about the timescales
  • Updates on the quotes for the signage at Marshlands – still waiting for one quote to come back


The Council expressed their thanks to the Clerk for continuing in post to support the Council until the vacancy can be filled.


  • Standing Orders
  • Financial Regulations
  • Code of Conduct
  • Risk Assessments
  • Signatories/bank account
  • Speed Gun Training
  • Village Map of Houses
  • New Councillor training
  • Beacon plaque
  • Wind Farm Scoring Sheet
  • Clerk/RFO post update
  • Snooker Club
  • Verge Cutting
  • Communication to the general public
  • Defib training/CPR


The meeting closed at 8.28pm.



Next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 5th July 2022 at 7.00pm



Chairman           …………………………..............                           Date      ………………………..



Clerk                    ……………………………………                          Date      ………………………..