Approved Minutes for 6th July 2021

the Saltfleetby Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 6th July 2021

 at Marshlands Community Centre


Present:                          Cllr Dover                  LD                    Madam Chairman

                                             Cllr Harrison              SH                                                                                                                                    

                                             Cllr Rick Smith          RAS                                                                                    

                                             Cllr Lusby                    JL

                                             Cllr Facer                     JF

                                             Cllr J Morris                JM

                                             Cllr Robin Smith       RS                                                                                                                                                                              Mrs C Owen - Clerk                                             

Meeting commenced at 7pm

There were 2 members of the public present.

A member of the public asked why Marshlands Community Centre had not been handed over to the village as the ‘village hall’ should have been handed over to the village by the previous owners.

The Chairman gave the history of Louth United Football Club and the previous alleged agreements that had been promised at the time. The Parish Council have considered a lease agreement for the hall but it has been decided that this is not the best use of public money.

There was some discussion around the above for around half an hour.

A member of the public stated that bingo would be starting at Marshlands on the last Sunday of the month and all monies raised will be going to charity.

It was requested that a sign be procured for Marshlands Community Centre – this is to be an item on the next agenda.

The garden boxes were discussed and it was suggested that the large shrubs be taken out and the space used for flowering plants. The Chairman explained that it is believed that the roots may have penetrated through the base of the boxes and it would possibly be best to leave the shrubs where they are. The purchase of new boxes/raised beds is an item on the agenda to discuss further under item 13.

Statutory proceedings commenced at 7.30pm

01505   Apologies for absence – apologies from Cllr Clark and Cllr McNally.

01506   Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st June 2021 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p RAS, s JF. The minutes were duly signed by Madam Chairman.

01507   Minutes of the Confidential Parish Council Meeting held on 1st June 2021 had been circulated. It was resolved to accept the minutes, p SH, s JM. The minutes were duly signed by Madam Chairman.

01508  Declarations of Interest –none.

01509   District/County Councillor Reports – Cllr McNally and Cllr Rickett were not present.

01510   Councillor Vacancies – There are currently 3 vacancies. There has been no interest expressed to the Clerk.

01511   Gayton Wind Farm Community Fund Applications – no applications received this month.

01512   Planning Application – Application reference N/145/01235/21 –LAND ADJACENT TO LUAN HOUSE, MAIN ROAD, SALTFLEETBY, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN11 7SS – Planning Permission – Erection of a holiday cottage with detached garage and construction of a vehicular access as an amendment to that previously approved under planning permission ref. no. N/145/00327/19 – Council discussed and it was resolved to make no comments, p JL, s SH.

01513   Financial Matters

a.  Accounts to be paid/authorised:

  • Clerk’s salary and expenses for June 2021 including HMRC payment for month 4 of 2021/2022.
  • Louth Town Football Club Invoice number 20210525 dated 25th May 2021 for the hire of Marshlands Community Centre for the Annual Parish Meeting - £50.00.
  • Wolds Gardening INV-1578 for £95 dated 15th June 2021.
  • Wolds Gardening INV-1579 for £110 dated 29th June 2021.
  • Wolds Gardening INV-1580 for £110 dated 15th July 2021.
  • Preauthorisation for a cut at the end of July 2021 for £110 (ex VAT).

It was resolved to approve the above payments, p JF, s RAS.

  1. Monthly Councillors Report as at 30th June 2021 was discussed. It was resolved to approve, p RAS, s JL
  1. Bank Reconciliation and Receipts and Payments to 30 June 2021 was discussed.

    It was resolved to approve the above, p JF, s SH.


01514   Gayton Wind Farm Financial Matters –

a.  Accounts to be paid/authorised: 

Fund Administrators salary for June 2021.

- The Warple Press invoice 5094 for £100 for the village newsletter June 2021.

- Mr D Hulme £100 for editing and delivery of the village newsletter June 2021.

It was resolved to approve the above, p JL, s SH.

b.  There was no Bank reconciliation and Receipts and Payments for 30th June 2021 due to no bank statement being received.

  1. Village Signs – the Clerk had circulated an email received from the manufacturer of the signs with the following points:
  1. The PC will be responsible for taking down the signs and delivering them to the workshop.
  2. The signs will be returned before 1st September 2021 and will be ready for collection before 30th September 2021.
  3. The signs will be shot blasted and re-coated, plus re-writing them as per the original text.
  4. Apply a coat of protective lacquer to the signs to try and prolong their lifespan.
  5. The PC will be responsible for collecting the signs from the workshop and re-siting them in their locations.
  6. The manufacturer will provide suggestions as a care guide for the PC to look after the signs.
  7. There will be no further warranty period on the signs.

The email was discussed and it was resolved to approve the above, p SH, s JF.

  1. Flailing – It was discussed that a flail of the verges needs to be done. It was resolved to pre-authorise the Clerk to arrange with the contractor up to the value of £750 (excl VAT), p SH, s JF.
  1. Garden Boxes – It was reported that Woodthorpe Garden Centre no longer offer the services that the Council require. It was requested that the Clerk obtain quotes from Interskill in Louth and Mens Shed and that Cllr Facer would contact Thompson Timber for 2 x large sleepers.
  1. Lamp Post Poppies – Poppy options were discussed and it was resolved to request that the Clerk order 33 x £3 lamp post poppies through the RBL and that the payment be made through the Gayton Wind Farm Fund, p SH, s JL.
  1. Millenium Book – reprinting of the book was discussed and decided that there is a lot of information that would require updating. Cllr Lusby is to contact 2 residents for photos that were in the original version of the book to see if these could potentially be used again for a second edition.
  1. Village Newsletter – Cllr Facer offered to compile a table of local businesses in the village that could be used for the newsletter.

01521 Reports From Outside Bodies – There were none.

  1. Correspondence – the Clerk stated that she had received communication on a potential pay increase. However, this has not been confirmed and the Clerk will keep the Council informed.
  1. Councillor Reports – Nothing to report.
  1. Parish Clerks Report –Nothing additional to report.
  1. Items for the next agenda-

Village Signs

Garden Boxes

Flailing – under financial matters

Gayton Wind Farm Fund – scoring sheet review

Sign for Marshlands Community Centre

Standing Orders

Financial Regulations

Code of Conduct

Risk Assessment review

Proposal from the Chairman that the Council move into closed session, s SH.

The meeting closed at 9pm.

Next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 3rd August 2021 at 7.00pm

Chairman         …………………………..............                        Date     ………………………..

Clerk                   ……………………………………                       Date     ………………………..