Agenda for 7th March 2023
Parish Council meeting of Saltfleetby Parish Council
to be held on Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 7pm, at Marshlands Community Centre.
The meeting will commence with a maximum of 10 minutes Open Forum for residents to raise any issues, after which Parishioners are then requested not to interrupt during the business of the meeting.
Statutory Procedures:
- RESIGNATION OF CHAIRMAN – Vice Chair to acknowledge resignation of Chairman.
- APOLOGIES and approval for absence.
- NOTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th February 2023 to be approved as minutes & any points to be noted.
- DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – To receive any declarations from Councillors; Council to consider any written requests for dispensations & resolve whether to grant acceptance.
For Information:
- DISTRICT/COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORT – Cllr McNally/Cllr Rickett to report if available.
Items for Discussion/Ratification:
- COUNCILLOR VACANCIES – Clerk to report interest for any requests for co-option the four vacancies.
- GAYTON WIND FARM FUND – there are no applications for consideration on this occasion.
- PLANNING APPLICATION - Application reference N/145/00336/23 - COFTON COTTAGE, RIMAC, SALTFLEETBY, LOUTH, LN11 7TS - Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation - Council to discuss.
- Accounts to be paid/authorised:
- Clerk’s salary and expenses for February 2023 including HMRC payment for month 12 of 2022/2023
- Quotations for St Clements Churchyard Pathway – 2 quotations received – proposal to go into closed session to discuss the quotes
- Monthly Councillors Report as of 28th February 2023 for approval.
- Bank Reconciliation and Receipts and Payments 28th February 2023 for approval
- Accounts to be paid/authorised:
- J Facer – Newsletter delivery and editing for March 2023; invoice dated 25/2/2023 for £100.00
- Bank Reconciliation and Receipts and Payments to 28th February 2023 for approval
- Accounts to be paid/authorised:
- NEW CLERK – Council to approve the start date for the new Clerk/RFO
- INTERNET BANKING – Council to discuss the potential set up of internet banking
- DATE FOR GAYTON PANEL MEETING – Council to agree a date for the next full funding panel meeting
- THE SOLOBY OLD SCHOOL HUB – Council to discuss events and support
- COUNCILLOR TRAINING – Council to discuss all Councillors to have up to date training/booked onto relevant courses
- CRITERIA FOR SMALL GRANT APPLICATIONS – Council to discuss under £250 grant applications criteria
- REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES – Council to receive any reports
- CORRESPONDENCE – any correspondence received by the Clerk
- ACTION PLAN & COUNCILLORS REPORTS – Council to discuss any items to report on the action plan:
- BT box signage completed, needs installation; shelving; map of village.
- Garden Boxes/Tyre Planters - to be reviewed in February 2023
- Speed gun equipment update – still awaiting sign
- Defibrillator location – will be installed once electricity supply is sorted
- Snooker Club – further discussions to be held as to way forward
- Noticeboards – further discussions to be held.
- Lych gate – further discussions to be held.
- St Clements path – awaiting further quotations.
- Website update
k. Communications to the general public
m. Wind Farm Terms of Reference
n. Bridge at the Angel
o. Signage at Marshlands
- ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA – Council to add any additional specific items to be discussed at the next meeting:
Next Parish Council meeting will take place on Tuesday 4th April 2022