Approved Minutes of Extraordinary Saltfleetby Parish Council meeting held on 13th July 2023



Approved Minutes of the Saltfleetby Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting held on 13th July 2023 at 7pm at St Peter’s Church.



               Cllr Lusby             JL            Chairman

               Cllr Hatton          PH          Vice Chairman and Acting Clerk

               Cllr Stone            CS

               Cllr Harrison       SH

               Cllr Hall                Pam

               Cllr Aldhouse     NA




02042 Apologies No apologies for absence were received.


Cllrs Clark and Martin were absent.


Four members of the public were present.


02043 Declaration of Interest Cllrs Lusby and Hatton declared interest in using the church for meetings.


The meeting commenced at 7pm.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The public were given the opportunity to address the Parish Council.

No one wished to speak.


02044 Personnel Committee with Responsibilities to the Clerk The Sub-Committee reports that three candidates had been interviewed for the post of Clerk/RFO.

Mrs Pauline Murray was considered to be the best candidate for the post and it was agreed by the council to approve Mrs Murray as the next Clerk/RFO.

P  SH  s  NA  voted unanimous.


02045 Planning Application

Action 22/23 JL Action completed Cllr Lusby wrote to Cllrs Rickett and McNally wrt the omission of dimensions on plans submitted for planning permission.

A full-size drawing had been provided for Woodbine Cottage application on which Cllr Lusby had added dimensions.

 Planning permission for the work at Woodbine Cottage was supported by the council. p  SH  s  Pam  vote unanimous.


02046 Use of Church for Council Meetings this subject was amended to look at all possible venues within Saltfleetby village where council meetings could be held.

The council was informed that the reason this meeting was held in St Peter’s and not Marshlands was because Louth Town had arranged for the away team to use the main hall as changing rooms in lieu of the designated changing rooms.


Discussions were held about the various locations that may be used for future meetings. These venues will be contacted by the council and the findings discussed at the next meeting.


02047 Wildflower Beds this item was discussed out of sequence to allow Mr Chapman, who offered advice to the council, to leave the meeting early.

Mr Chapman stated that he thought that the competition between sown wildflowers and unwanted “weeds” and displaced field crops could render the sown patches into an unsightly view. The taller “weeds” and field crops would dominate and, in his opinion, it was a waste of the councils money. When asked for any suggestions he stated that spring bulbs could be planted which would flower and then rest before the first cut of the grass. This would bring a “splash of colour” early in the year.

Mr Chapman will provide a costed proposal in time for the next council meeting. This will be co-ordinated by Cllr Hall.


The meeting closed at 7:57pm.