Approved Extraodinary Gayton Wind Farm Community Fund Meeting 25th July 2024 Minutes


Saltfleetby Parish Council





Minutes of the Extraordinary Energiekontor Grants Committee meeting held on 25th July 2024 at 7pm at St Peters Church.




            Cllr Lusby (JL)– Chair

            Cllr Stone  (CS)

            Cllr Harrison (SH)                                                                             

            Cllr P Hall (Pam) 

            Cllr Hatton (PH)

            Cllr Marshall (KM)               

            Cllr Clark (SC)

            Cllr B Hall (BH)

            Cllr Saul (CSa)

Pauline Murray – Clerk


This meeting was held in closed session.


02161   Apologies for Absence



02162   Declaration of Interests & requests for dispensations



02163   Review the methodology for appraising Energiekontor grants

The basic logic of the meeting was to attempt to simplify the grant process.  Currently we have 4 different grant application forms and it was thought that we could bring these together and work on 1 grant application form that would suit all.  PH had drafted a ‘multi use’ grant form and circulated this around the Councillors before the meeting for their comments.

The 1st amendment was regarding the Version 3 Terms of Reference as below and became current now:-


1) Page 4 Section 8.6


Applications for small groups seeking financial help to pay for the hire of Marshlands should be supplied using the forms and sequence shown at Annex D



Applications for small groups seeking financial help to pay for the hire of a venue should be supplied using the forms and sequence shown at Annex D


Further amendments were mainly word changes and are in respect of Version 4:-


2) Page 19


1 The group contacts the Parish Council as the Windfarm financial controllers requesting assistance with securing the community centre to meet. Contact will be made by a new form for windfarm funding.


2 If approved the Fund Administrator will contact the Football Club to book the hall for the group.


3 The applicant for the group will keep a log of hours that the group uses in the hall. The log will be forwarded to the Parish Council and Football Club every three months.


4 The Football Club will invoice the Parish Council/Windfarm Fund


5 Payment will be made from the Windfarm Fund by the Parish Council direct to the football club.



1 The group contacts the Parish Council as the Windfarm financial controllers requesting assistance with securing a suitable venue to meet. Contact will be made by a new form for windfarm funding.


2 If approved the Fund Administrator will contact the venue management to book the venue for the group.


3 The applicant for the group will keep a log of hours that the group uses in the venue. The log will be forwarded to the Parish Council and venue management every three months.


4 The venue management will invoice the Parish Council/Windfarm Fund


5 Payment will be made from the Windfarm Fund by the Parish Council direct to the venue management.


3) Page 20



Request for funding of Small Groups to use the Community Centre


  1. I,      name     would like to request financial assistance with providing the use of the community centre for the     name of group     for    number of hours   per week.


  1. Brief description of the group.


Please send the completed application form along with any supporting material to:



Or Contact the Fund Administrator

The Fund Administrator details will be published on the SPC Website



Request for funding of Small Groups to use a Suitable Venue

  1. I,      name     would like to request financial assistance with providing the use of a suitable venue for the     name of group     for    number of hours   per week.
  2. Name of Venue
  3. Brief description of the group.




Please send the completed application form along with any supporting material to:


4) Page 21



Small Group Log of Use of Community Centre



Small Group Log of Use of Name of Venue



On completion, one copy of this form to be forwarded to the Fund Administrator and one copy to be sent to the Football Club.



On completion, one copy of this form to be forwarded to the Fund Administrator and one copy to be sent to the Venue.


5) Page 1


Insert after


“Dated 16th May 2023”


Amended by Amendment No 1

Dated 3rd July 2024


All of the above amendments were approved unanimously.


The new application ‘multi-use’ grant form was also approved.


Furthermore it was proposed and approved that the amount of grants paid out annually would be capped at £16k (ie a financial year - April to March) and that each grant be capped at a maximum of £4k. This is to safeguard the fund and to ensure it has a ‘buffer’ for lots of years to come. PH will up-issue the Terms of Reference to this effect. 


PH will up-issue the Terms of Reference and distribute to all Councillors for comments.  Issue 4 will be discussed at the next meeting in September and if agreed a draft document will be placed on the Council website for comments by the public.  The final Issue 4 document will incorporate all comments if appropriate and voted for acceptance at a later date. The meeting agreed to have another extraordinary meeting in order to assess the 2 grant applications that have been outstanding for several months now – this will be an open session and will take place on  Monday 12th August at 7pm.


Meeting finished at 9pm

Next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting will take place on Wedensday 11th September 2024


Signed-                                                       Date-



Cllr J M Lusby (Chair)                              435