Approved Extraordinary Gayton Wind Farm Community Fund Meeting 12th August 2024 Minutes
Saltfleetby Parish Council
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DRAFT Minutes of the Extraordinary Energiekontor Grants Committee meeting held on 12th August 2024 at 7pm at St Peters Church.
Cllr Hatton (PH)-Chair
Cllr Stone (CS)
Cllr Harrison (SH)
Cllr P Hall (Pam)
Cllr Marshall (KM)
Cllr Clark (SC)
Cllr B Hall (BH)
Cllr Saul (CSa)
Pauline Murray – Clerk
02164 Apologies for Absence
Cllr Lusby–(ill health)
02165 Declaration of Interests & requests for dispensations
PH declared an interest in both of the grant applications to be discussed at Agenda Item 3.
02166 Windfarm Applications:-
At this point in the meeting (7.12pm) PH who was Chairing the meeting due to JL’s ill health went out of the room. Before he went he explained the situation and asked for volunteers to Chair in his temporary absence. CS was nominated as was SC – there was a vote and CS was elected temporary Chair in PH’s absence.
A full discussion took place regarding both applications as below:-
- This was an application for purchase and installing of a dishwasher and also installation of a cooker which had been donated. The cost of the installation of the cooker was a large amount (although not split from the installation of both appliances). The committee were uncomfortable about the fire risk to the Church of having a cooker and wanted a further professional survey brought back to the next meeting in September. However they were happy with the grant towards a dishwasher but felt the quotes were both a little high and a reasonable one could be purchased for £350. The committee also wanted to see the Public Liability certificate for the Church before actually handing over the grant money. This was voted on and resolved unanimously.
- Room hire for Art Group and Chat & Craft Group – July to Sept 24
The committee were happy with this grant for £650 (13 weeks at £50 pw) although they did want to see that at least one member of the groups had a DBS check along with the Public Liability certificate. This was voted on and resolved unanimously.
02167 Items for the next Agenda:-
- The investment of ringfenced Windfarm monies - PH
- The investment of Parish Council monies - PH
- Windfarm terms of reference and review of Version 4 - PH
- Windfarm applications level of detail on Agenda for application - PH
- Parish Council response to Audit report - SH
- Defibrillators – SH
- Response to Lesley Dover’s co-optee application - SC
- Container at Outgang - CS
- Matrix gardener – Pam
- Christmas trees – Pam
- Dog Bins – Pam
- Litter Picking (Sept/Oct) – BH
- Speed guns - SC
Next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th September 2024
Signed- Date-
Cllr J M Lusby (Chair)