Minutes of Saltfleetby Parish Council meeting held on 9th January 2024
Saltfleetby Parish Council
Email: saltfleetbyparishcouncil@gmail.com Website: https://saltfleetby.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
DRAFT Minutes of the Saltfleetby Parish Council Meeting held on 9th January 2024 at 7pm at
St Peters Church.
Cllr Lusby JL Chair
Cllr Hatton PH Vice Chair
Cllr Stone CS
Cllr Harrison SH
Cllr Hall Pam
Cllr Clark SC
Cllr McNally County & District Councillor (left at 8.19pm)
Pauline Murray Clerk
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were 9 members of the public present
10 minutes Open Forum for Residents
There was an offer by a member of the public to site and provide the electricity for one of the
new defibrillators – plus mention of one being needed on North End Lane.
The community asset application was mentioned and the Chair responded that the application
form would be completed by the clerk and that this decision would then come back to the next meeting.
Councillor Clark spoke as a member of the public at his unhappiness with the vote to have the parish council meetings in the church rather than at Marshlands. Chair reminded SC that the problem with the echos was the main reason for the move. SC has issues over the church’s disabled access & fire access – Action 44/23 for SC to list the deficiencies quoting regulation failures. PH to prepare and requests for quotations for venues to hold Parish Council meetings in the future. Action 45/23
Statutory proceedings commenced at 7.10pm
02097 Apologies for Absence
Councillor Aldhouse
02098 Declaration of Interest
Cllrs Clark & Stone declared an interest in the Wind Farm applications
02099 Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of the meeting held on 7th November were accepted as a true record pCS sPH
02100 District/County Councillors Reports
Cllr McNally has put together a newsletter which he will send round to the Councillors and which will go onto the website and which includes:-
- Information on Support Services for mental health, cancer etc
- New name for AONB areas in England and Wales are becoming National Landscapes. The new name reflects their national importance
- No. of reports on FixMyStreet
- Funding now available for Lincolnshire roads after cancelling HS2 motorway £5m
- Devolution deal which will move some powers from Central to Local Government
Workshops in several areas including Skegness Storehouse on 19th Jan at 11am
- Fairer funding calculations for Drainage Boards
Cllr McNally is to look into the sign missing from B1200 opposite Cllr Stones house.
02101 Parking on the footpath opposite Marshlands Community Centre
Cllr Clark agreed to ask his customers not to park on the footpath Action 46/23
02102 New permissive footpath
A resident has offered access to Green Lane for walks. Council were happy to carry on to the next stage with this.
02103 Councillor vacancies
Unfortunately no one else has come forward
02104 Training
It was noted that the Clerk would forward the training schedule from LALC and candidates would show there willingness to attend. Clerk to find out how often Councillors need to refresh their training Action 47/23
02105 Defibrillators
Unfortunately the Council weren’t allocated one of the free defibrillators that were on offer although the Clerk responded immediately the quota of 500 had been taken. We could chose to pay 50% match funding of £750 but it was thought that we’d probably be able to get as cheap if not cheaper ones. Cllr Clark has researched the various prices and has passed this information on to the Clerk to cumulate & bring to next meeting for a decision. Action 48/23
02106 St Clements Churchyard
Cllr Hatton brought a letter to the meeting from Ministry of Justice which said that in their opinion the entirety of St Clements Churchyard was closed and therefore it is the Statutory responsibility of the Parish Council to maintain. Cllr Hatton to collate details obtained and bring to next meeting Action 49/23
02107 Bridge at the Angel
Options for the bridge – an option for producing a crossing point was to position a section of pipe into the dyke and infill around it. The width of the crossing and bollards would prevent vehicle from utilizing the structure. Cllr Stones to report back to next meeting on costs Action 50/23
02108 Internal router for Church
This has been supplied by the Chair and is working well.
02109 Banking
It was noted that the Clerk now has access to the necessary bank accounts but would probably benefit from a debit/credit card to use on web sites for small purchases where invoicing is done. Cllr Hatton to check this with the bank – Action 51/23
02110 Community Asset Application
The Clerk has looked into the paperwork necessary for the application of the Snooker Hall/old Methodist Chapel into a community asset. Whilst the Clerk has the go ahead to complete the paperwork its necessary to check the state of the property as the Council don’t want to be bringing a lot of costs on board. Clerk to bring to next meeting Action 52/23
02111 Planning Applications
- Elmhouse Farm bridge application – noted
- Government application for information only
02112 Correspondence
- Parish Council not in a position to name individuals
- The Parish Council does not feel that the spending of Wind Farm money is misleading in any way
- Last years wreath was laid at the remembrance service by the Chair – the budget for the contribution will be made by the Clerk – Action 53/23
- Power outages in the village – the Chair has contacted them but they weren’t very helpful – the Clerk is to send a strong letter with copies to Ofgem & Victoria Atkins
Action 54/23
02113 Saltfleetby Information Facebook page
Need the Salfleetby Information Facebook page to change their URL so that the Parish Council can have their own Facebook page. Member of public to receive instructions on how this can be accomplished by Cllr Stone Action 55/23
02114 Financial Matters
Accounts paid from Parish Council – ps EC sd JL
Accounts paid from Wind Farm Account – ps CS sd PH
Monthly reports for both accounts to 31st Dec noted
Wind Farm Applications:-
(Cllr Clark left the meeting whilst Cllr Hatton went outside and returned)
- Louth Town FC £500 re improvement of car park surface – rejected
- Saltfleetby Com Association – purchase of Christmas tree for village - approved
Move £10k from Parish Council current to savings account Cllr Hatton – Action 56/23
02115 Setting of the Precept 2024/25
The precept has been set at the same amount (£9k) which is basically an inflation saving for the residents. An extra amount has been included for purchase of defibrillators. Mention was made regarding hire of hall having no budget - £100 has been moved from cost of sims to hire of hall.
02116 Clerks Report
The meeting noted that the Clerk was currently engaged in reclaiming VAT after being on a relevant course. Cllr Clark asked that she go back the 4 years possible on the Wind Farm account. Action 57/23
02117 Update on Previous Actions
Need Council approval to order dog bin Action 08/23 – Cllr Stone to bring information to next meeting.
Storage of archived material – a 2 drawer cabinet is to be brought into the church so anyone can look.
Wind Farm Accounts 22/23 these have been audited and found to be a true and fair account.
Cllr Hatton has opened a savings account and input £600 plus £1,845.
Newsletter has been produced and delivered around the village.
The Fin Regs and Standing Orders used by LALC have been updated on the web site.
A laminated copy of the Nolan Principles has been pinned up in the church.
Clerk spoke with LCC re missing minutes in their archives but unfortunately they haven’t kept any of Saltfleetby Parish Council.
Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 5th March 2024.
Signed:-- Cllr J M Lusby (Chair) Date :--