Minutes of Saltfleetby Parish Council Meeting held on 11th November 2024
Saltfleetby Parish Council
Email: saltfleetbyparishcouncil@gmail.com Website: https://saltfleetby.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
Minutes of the Saltfleetby Parish Council meeting held on 11th November 2024 7pm at St Peters Church.
Cllr Lusby
Cllr Stone
Cllr Harrison
Cllr P Hall
Cllr Hatton
Cllr Marshall
Cllr B Hall
Cllr C Saul
Pauline Murray – Clerk
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was recorded.
There was 1 member of the public present.
10 minutes Open Forum for Residents
A member of the public queried his response to an email in February which the Clerk is to look into. The Chair and Cllr Hatton apologised to Cllr Harrison for an offensive remark which was made during the May meeting.
Statutory commenced at 7.05pm
02209 Apologies for Absence
Cllr Clarke was working and sent his apologies
02210 Declaration of interest & requests for dispensations
02211 Notes of the Energiekontor Grant Committees & Parish Council Meetings
The minutes of 12th August, 11th September and 15th October 2024 were approved and signed by the Chair
02212 County Councillor Reports
Councillor McNally sent his apologies as did Councillor Rickett who had emailed the Chair with a round up of what was happening in the area.
02213 Financial Reports
The Parish Council accounts were approved & included the following items:-
- D Chapman – £650, £100, £190 *3
- Donation to Church re room hire - £70
- Clerks salary (Aug – Oct)
- HMRC - £197
- Dog bin - £153.82
- Antivirus for laptop - £12.99
- Poppies - £65
The EK Windfarm accounts were approved & included the following items:-
- SCA grants re room hire £120 * 2
- Arts and Craft Group grants £610
- Dishwasher for Church £350
- Defibrillator work £500
- Laptop bursary grant £449.99
- Wiring at Church £1486.76
- Newsletter printing costs £396 & £475
Chair reported that a wireless router is required at a cost of approx. £120 and a sim card of 25gig which will be £10 pm. However Councillor Saul offered her spare router which (if compatible) would save money. A vote was taken and £240 was approved to spend should Councillor Saul’s router not be compatible.
02214 Precept
The Clerk presented a draft precept working for 25/26 and after a few minor amendments this was voted on and a precept of £9,000 for next year was resolved.
02215 Christmas Trees
There has been some misunderstanding with the supplier regarding the trees. The first invoice sent was incorrect and the second invoice contained a delivery charge which was not agreed. The trees should be £100 each including vat and delivery – Councillor P Hall is to speak with the supplier again.
02216 Dog Bins & Litter Picking
The new dog bin has been installed and is getting lots of use. Councillor Stone is speaking to ELDC to get it put on the collection round. Councillor Stone informed the meeting that the litter picking went well and lots of litter was collected. Would be helpful if we had a litter bin near the bus stop in the layby – Councillor Stone is to look into this and report back to the January meeting.
02217 Training for Speed Awareness
This training has gone really well and Councillor Marshall in particular thoroughly enjoyed it. Chair wants to look at speeding signs down North End Lane at the next meeting.
02218 Free Trees
There are 30 free trees coming our way around March time and the Chair asked the Councillors to think about where best to place them. To report back to January meeting.
02219 Planning Applications
i) Planning Application N/158/01296/24 – Withdrawn
ii)Planning Application N145/01086/24 – ELDC awaiting further information
02220 Review of Policies
The new Term of Reference had been circulated by Councillor Hatton and apart from a slight amendment at 8.1 this document was approved by a majority vote. It will be placed on the website and we will use this for grant applications from now on.
02221 Clerks Report
The Clerk reported that the reclaim of VAT of £3,520 from HMRC had been paid in to the bank and that a donation to the Royal British Legion of £50 had been made today which as parish councils are able to claim gift aid became £62.50.
02222 WindFarm Applications
There was a discussion regarding WF grants being made for the benefit of the people of Saltfleetby. Regarding the eligibility of a person applying for a grant they should live in the Saltfleetby area and pay their Parish precept to the Saltfleetby Parish. There are properties with Saltfleetby addresses that don’t pay their precepts to Saltfleetby.
02223 Items for the next agenda
- Parish Council policies to be updated (inc Social Media)
- Litter bin at bus stop
- Training
Meeting finished at 8.50pm
Next Parish Council Meeting will be on 7th January 2025
Signed- Date-
Cllr J M Lusby (Chair)